JULY 27, 2024



“Share in suffering like a good soldier of Christ Jesus.” 2 Timothy 2:3




The life of a soldier is not always easy.


Soldiers must be disciplined.  Their job is to protect and defend our country.  Sometimes that means being separated from their families and going to distant lands.  Sometimes that means they give their lives for the sake of others.  But all is worth it.


The Apostle Paul, when writing to Timothy is likens the life of a Christian to that of a soldier.  As followers of Jesus, we’re called to be disciplined in prayer and the ways of Jesus.  We are called to put God first.  That means God comes first in everything, even if that leaves us distanced from family.  Followers of Jesus are called to give their lives daily for the sake of Christ.  We die to our own self-serving desires in order to live the abundant life of God.


Is it worth it?  Think of the many different sacrifices we make in this life for the sake of a greater good.  Parenting is difficult.  At times it feels like it will take everything from us that we have; our time, our energies, our finances and even our sanity.  Still, the day comes when one becomes a grandparent.  All the sacrifices of the past melt away.


Jesus never promises us that our lives will be easy.  He promises us a life that is worth living.




Lord God, thank you for giving me a life worth living.  Thank you for revealing your kingdom purposes to me.  Help me to live in your ways and give my life for you this day.  In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Full Reading2 Timothy 2:1-7


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