SEPTEMBER 14, 2024



“For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all.” Titus 2:11




Some think Christianity is all about being a part of some kind of elite club, giving us an excuse to look down our noses at others.  Some may even go so far as to suggest that they deserve it because they live better lives.  The “good people” will go to heaven.  The “bad people” will go to hell.


But which are you?  A good person or a bad person?  We’re created very good, in the image of God.  At the same time, we are weak in the face of temptation.  Each of us sin.  Each of us have fallen short of the glory of God.  Each of us are sinners in need of a Savior.  This is why Jesus came to this earth.  He didn’t just come and die on the cross for the “good Christian people”.  He died on the cross for the very people who put him on the cross.


This is how God shows his favor for us.  He has redeemed us through his sacrificial death on the cross.  All our wrongs have been atoned because of what he has done for us.  Instead of rejecting us, he has embraced us.  He claims us as his own.  In his eyes, we are now free of sin and all wrongdoing.  We have been made pure.


The salvation he brings is not intended for a select few.  It is intended for all people.  It comes as a free gift.  The only question is whether we’ll receive that gift in faith.




Lord God, thank you for coming to me through Jesus.  Thank you for rescuing me from sin, death and the power of evil.  Be with me this day that I might trust in you and walk in your ways.  In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Full Reading: Titus 2:11-15


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